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Where Builders Arise From Grieved to GRACED

Learn about the Growing Through Grief Movement. 

The mission, the momentum and the movers!


This 21 day challenge will show you how to move from the grieved to graced. Grief is the plot twist that no one asks for and is never received with excitement. Refuse to let grief put you in the grave!

Wellness Works Summits

  • Our quarterly summits initiate conversation, connection & commitment to help the community take ownership of their wellness journey

  • Summits include panel discussions, resources fairs and access to mental health partners

  • Our goal is to host each summit at no charge to participants through partnership and sponsorship with community advocates


MARCH 29 2025

Augusta, GA


JUNE 28 2025

Location : TBA



Augusta, GA


DECEMBER 20 2025​

Augusta GA

The Mission

Coordinate & Facilitate spaces for wellness focused conversation

Build a virtual space to connect the community to wellness specific resources.

Help Humanity Commit and Collaborate to a build Personal Wellness Regimen

The GFT Team

Our team is comprised of professionals and entrepreneurs that are honest with their Growing Through Grief Journey. Each team members is building a community impacting brand soley, while still contributing to the mission of GTG because of aligned values.The objective of our team is to strategically map out a pathway that will stretch our reach and multiply the impact of the wellness work movement. 

Own Your Wellness Journey

Grieve, Heal & Build

Kenitra Mozelle_2-01.jpg

Grow Through Grief 

Grief is a journey that is induced by more than just the loss of a loved one. We help men and women grow through grief with reference to the GTG model. Our goal is to model a foundation that challenges the community to live honestly with their humanity and begin exploring a personal wellness regimen.


Archive Your Healing Journey

Journaling is a simple yet healthy practice to accompany a commitment to do wellness work. As we improve and begin to track and review or progress overtime we will discover a pathway to healing that can be shared with others.


Build What Helped You Heal

As much of our audience is filled with leaders, visionaries and entrepreneurs the healing journey offers a powerful advantage. A new connection with your personal story leads to you building to serve and building to scale. We lead our community through healing that produces impact and profit. 

The Tea's In The Testimonials

From our youtube channel, our private community, our events and more!


" This 21 day journey is absolutely amazing! I truly enjoyed the GRACE journey of Grieving, Resting, Aiding, Community, Evolving. Each of these areas are necessary to help do the wellness work and HEAL!

The Book


"It's not just talk. Here you have women who have lived through processes and now administer. Prepare to be honest. Journaling and prayer, start, structure and grow. This is me investing in myself because i'm graced for this."

The Event


“Thanks for making us feel seen through our various stages of grief and transformation even as you grieve.”

The Community

Grow Through Grief Together

Join The Movement

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